February 9, 2009

Prepare Your Neck, And Let Them Cut Your Heads Off

ok kids.
today is Tuesday.
put on your brain.
don't contaminated it now with other unnecessary stuff and things.
get ready.
all of you need a good sleep tonight.
because the very next morning,is the beginning of our war.
prepare your shoes, brush your teeth, and make sure have a breakfast before you go to the field.
don't forget your tickets, stationary and other important things, especially your ID's.

3 subject in a row.
3 enemy bosses in a row.
in only 2 days period.

show them what we have prepared for the whole trimester 2.


heqing said...

we will not die....
jz do our vry best....
dun think too much...
when u step in the examination hall....
nothing can changed d...
jz be prepared....
do wat we had study....
the most important thing...
dun panic....

fakhruddin said...

letak nama aku sekali kat bahagian
'posted by'... =p
isk2 susah la exam td
cam nak terjun bangunan je

chocobi said...

ta paham r kudin.
4 what?


fakhruddin said...

tak paham?
takpe la
saje je...
maksudnye, post ni sesuai utk aku jugak
that's why aku suruh letak nama aku kat 'posted by'
kalau tak paham jugak, abaikan je

chocobi said...

sbnrnye aku da paham.
but saje malas nak lyn
sory kudin.
